how to cook a soft-boiled egg

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I have a strange love-hate relationships with mornings. It's by far my favorite time of the day, but I am by NO MEANS a morning person. I hate waking up, I hate it when people sing or are happy too early, and I typically refuse to leave the house until at least 11 unless it's absolutely necessary. And yet the morning is still my favorite. I love to be awake when the sun is just coming up and everything is quiet. I love eating breakfast and reading before everyone is awake. I love having a time when I can realize how very blessed I am to be alive.
And of course, the best foods in the world are served at breakfast time.
My most recent favorite breakfast food is the SOFT BOILED EGG with some delicious gluten free sourdough bread from New Grains Bakery. (I've found that gluten free bread is much better toasted. Just so you all know.) I love this breakfast more than I love some people. And it's so incredibly easy to make!

Bring a pot of water to a boil (there should be just enough water in there to cover an egg). Add some salt to the water. With a slotted spoon, gently set an egg (or two or three or however many) into the boiling water. Immediately set your timer for some time between 5 and 7 minutes, depending on how runny you like your eggs. (I personally cook mine for about 6-6.5 minutes, just because I like them that way.) As soon as the timer goes off, use the slotted spoon to get your eggs out of there and run them under cold water, so they stop cooking inside.
From here, you can either peel them (like I do) and eat them over toast, or you can take the classy British approach and keep the shells on. Using a knife, you would just decapitate the thing right at the top, and then use a spoon or toast strips to scoop out the insides. You can't lose either way, really.

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