about me

My name is Ally, or Allyson if you prefer something more formal. I've lived in Northern Utah for practically all 21 years of my life, and although it's not the most exciting place in the world, I absolutely love it. Mostly, I just love being surrounded by mountains. The mountains are my place. I plan on living in the mountains for the rest of my existence.
I'm studying Public Health at BYU, and it is my favorite. Someday, I'm going to work in a refugee camp and put all of my knowledge to work.
I like to make videos and take photos. It is also my favorite.
Every once in awhile, running or yoga can be my favorite. Not too often, though.

There's a reason behind this blog, believe it or not. I'm not just jumping on the blogger band-wagon because everyone and their mom is doing it. I'm making this blog for me.
At this point, you've probably realized that this blog is at least 80% about food. I haven't always had the healthiest relationship with food. There have been times in my life when I've legitimately hated it and how dependent I had to be on it. It got so bad that it started affecting other areas of my life. I stopped being able to feel joy, guys. That wasn't a fun place to be.
But with a lot of love from family friends and a considerable amount of divine intervention, I'm starting to feel joy again. This blog is a way for me to express that. It's a reminder to me that I need to look for the good in the world (if only because I need to find something to post). It's a reminder that food isn't a bad thing. It strengthens our bodies and vitalizes our souls. It can be quite beautiful.
Maybe others will enjoy this blog because they can relate to the struggles I have had. Maybe others will enjoy it simply because who doesn't love looking at pictures of food? Maybe others just won't enjoy it at all. But that doesn't matter. Because this is for me.