sundance film festival 2014

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This is a post about a trip I took to one of my favorite places, with some of my favorite people, during my favorite time of year. We walked through the cold and the crowds, trying to spot the rich & famous and getting carried away in the overall feeling that took over Park City Main Street. I had about a million favorite moments.

-When we annoyed Rainn Wilson (aka Dwight K. Schrute) by following him and trying to play paparazzi (which I'm horrible at, blurry photo of his thumbs up as evidence). He's a good sport. Sorry, Rainn.

-When some random, un-famous, shirtless dude started a riot of teenage girls for no reason.

-When we almost got some rad gold sparkly nail polish from Loreal, but were too lazy to post spam and crap all over twitter in order to earn it.

-When we got in a fight with the Loreal lady because we almost took the rad gold sparkly nail polish anyways.

-When we saw Rhett & Link taking pictures with people. I guess "youtube famous" is the same as "normal famous" now. Which is cool.

-When we ate a delicious pizza at the Red Banjo Pizza Parlour.

-When a Ben Stiller look-a-like told me I had great hair and held the door open for me. Thanks, pal, for appreciating my ginger-ness.

-When we went into a fur store and the sales guy legitimately started trying to sell us $16,000 fur coats...I feel like our ages made it pretty obvious that we weren't his target clients.

-When my friend Josh and I almost bought a giant moose head in a Native American trinket store.

-When we finished off the night by drinking hot chocolate and eating carmel apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory on the bus back to our car.

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